Monday, June 27, 2005


Seems I can't go even a single day without something coming up. I shake my fist at it. I think we're undergoing an invasion of cute brunettes. They find me, I don't know how, but they find me somehow. So she comes up here at base, me blissfully ignorant of everything but the truck I'm washing, talks to me, of all people, wants to know if someone was here, and there's this lovely, semi-awkward situation where she's telling me the 'camp name' of someone here at Summit and asking me if she's there or not, I can't keep track of all these different names for different people.
Long story short, the person she was looking for wasn't here, so she left. Leaving me grumling about cute brunettes and why the heck they want to talk to me. Do I have a sign on me somewhere I can't reach? I mean, really folks, something's gotta be goin' on here.

And at the coffee shop too! The girl was all flirty with me! Has something come over all brunettes suddenly?

*sigh* Busy day.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Is it profitable to understand? Sometimes all the effort I put into attempting to understand something just leaves me with more questions.

Considering feelings, the sort of which lead you to contemplate talking to that girl who was selling or giving away puppies or kittens in front of Raleys. I don't think I really want to understand those kinds of feelings. And yet, here I am, torn between the desire to go back to her, and knowing that I will not.

Why not? You ask. Well, you've heard that old saying: People are always a fraid of what they don't understand. But then, if you're one of the guys, you'd say: Fear is of the devil. Which is quite true. And I know perfectly well that if anything is God's will, it will work out, if not, then it won't.

She seemed to recognize me, and she seemed familiar, which could mean a lot of things. Embarrasment among those things. If I know her through one of the churches around here and she has a boyfriend, there's embarassment. Then you'll say, why not just say hi and figure out why she seems familiar, then your mind will be put at ease.

Then I say what if she's not attached? Hmm? What if I go say hi and try to figure out why she seems familiar and we end up spending the day together and having dinner and getting into a relationship? I mean, that'd be fun and all, and a new experience for me, but I'm more concerned about what God wants for me this day. Above all else, I think He wants me to spend time with Him. And thinking about this cute, familiar looking brunette selling or giving away puppies or kittens in front of Raleys, it can only detract from my time with Jesus today.

So I'll leave it in His capable Hands. If I am indeed meant to know this girl, if it is God's will, then I will. And that's all I need to understand.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Well, I'm here at Summit Adventure. It's pretty cool. Sleeping outside is awesome. So cold, I love it. I haven't been able to do any backpacking yet, but we spent three nights at Kelty Meadow Campground, that was really cool. We had an entire day just to sit and talk to Jesus up there, that was awesome.

There is a surprising number of Star Wars fans here. The Boss's kids enjoy playing wih sticks as lightsabers, this I also enjoy(I'm a little kid at heart).

There really are a lot of cool people here, rock climbers, backpackers, they're a lot of fun to hang out with. I hope I get more chances to hang out with them over the Summer.

Life is good. God is good. All the time. There ain't nobody better!