Sunday, December 19, 2004

Well guys, I'm in Australia. The flight down was very long. Just about 14 hours in the air. And you know, I wish I'd been flying myself, it got very boring. Don't fly Qantas, they show bad movies. And Stephanie, no, I didn't get wings, you weren't there to talk me into it... :) They din't give me peanuts, but they gave me a bag of goodies that I didn't eat...we flew into Sydney then transferred to a flight to Brisbane, pronounced (bris-ban). When we got to Brisbane, the people who were supposed to pick us up were five kilometers away at the "international" terminal, we flew in to the "domestic" terminal unbeknownst to them. Good news though, Rick Jackson, our leader, was indeed able to come along. But yeah, my first ever experience in Australia was walking five kilometers in the summer heat, lovely... We stayed at a hotel in Brisbane the first two nights, and we've been going around downtown Brisbane handing out tracts and "talking" to Japanese people. Though, I can definitely see a much larger group of people who need Jesus, not just the Japanese. You guys would love it here. There's definitely some wicked that needs to be thrown out. I've asked God about it but He says that it's not up to me to do it. I would if He wanted me to. Tomorrow we're going to the beach. Some of the group are going to try to surf.
I miss you guys. And tell Keith that he doesn't ever need to bother going to Australia, his wife isn't here. :)
It's interesting, I feel comfortable here, it's my kind of place. I never would have thought that about a city... But it's different here, more relaxed, laid back...not like America where people expect so much out of others and everybody's in a rush to get rich. Australians are interesting people, one of their main sayings is "no worries", and that's how they live. But all that said, you don't have to worry about me staying here, believe me, I'm looking forward to going home(with an Australian accent)...
Keep praying for me, I'm gonna need it big time. Discernment is what I'm going to be needing most in the next week, so please pray that for me. You're all still in my prayers too.
Let's see, its just about 10 pm here Sunday night, that means it's about 3 am Sunday morning there. 19 hour difference, Brisbane is 19 hours ahead of California.
So yeah, I'm having a good time. I'm actually talking to people, but they're mostly already Christians. We're working with a presbyterian church here, so maybe I can get some 'untie my bowtie who stole my honda' goin' on. That'd be cool, get some baptisms in the Holy Spirit. I don't know if that's what God wants, but I'll be praying about it. You guys should too actually.

PS. Christy loves you too Stephanie! :)

God is good, all the time, there aint nobody better!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I'm going to Australia. From the 13th to the 28th of December, I'll be in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It'll be summer there. With my hat, I hope to be mistaken for a local :). I've been mistaken for an Australian before because of the hat. Anyway, the reason I'm going is to go preach to people. Japanese students actually. My church sent a missionary couple to Japan and they moved down to Australia because there is a large population of Japanese students there because, in actuality, they don't want to go to school in America. They feel that Australia is safer and much closer to Japan. The team I'm going down with are going to help the missionary couple who have started a church for the Japanese people there in Brisbane. So, that's what's up. I appreciate your prayers.