Thursday, January 27, 2005

Alright guys. I've thought about it. I never meant to demean our friendship. I never meant to fall away from being your friend. I'm sorry.

Your comments bring me back to the point in my previous post about wise counsel. Being called wise counsel is nothing to balk at. Just because I do not need 'a best friend' doesn't mean that you all are any less of a friend to me. You guys are my family, I don't need any more incentive to get back into our friendship.

In a sense, I do just need Jesus to be my 'best friend'. That doesn't make you guys any less important to me. It doesn't! I don't have a human best friend, but I do have you guys. I do care about you, and I really do consider you guys my family. But as far as best friends go, I need Jesus to be that, He's big enough to be my best friend and I want only to focus on Him right now. I need to do that.

Being called wise counsel is not an insult. If someone told me that I had given them wise words, that'd be one of the greatest compliments I could recieve.

And Jon, I can handle myself with any spirits that might be messing with me. Trust me Jon, I've dealt with all this 'wife stuff' before, I know how to deal with it. And this time I won't let another girl to get to me, no matter how much it feels like God wants me to, at least, not until I grow quite a bit more.

We'll talk more later. I'm sure of it.

Thanks guys. I'm glad God gave me people like you to make sure I'm never complacent for too long. I'm also glad that all this happened so that I know more about both myself as well as knowing more about how things are really supposed to happen.

Okay, now we need to talk again. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Complacency is the antithesis of growth. This is truth. Complacency breeds stagnancy. I have learned the threat of this truth this very night. Where you are not growing continually in the Word of God and not seeking His will on EVERYTHING, no matter how trivial, or indeed unrelated it seems, you can grow stagnant, you find a place you feel comfortable and you rot there. It takes a pretty big kick in the pants to get you out of this rut. For me, tonight, it was the pain of lonliness. For those of you who do not know, I have never had a relationship with someone where I could call them my 'best friend'. I do indeed have very wise and Spirit filled friends, Paul, Jonathon, Keith, Stephanie and others. But none I can say are my best friend. Indeed, I did not realize this until this night, walking around my quiet, mountain neighborhood, that I have become stagnant in my desire for a best friend. This is not a bad desire, Jesus wants me to have a best friend. But He wants me to desire Him more.
This is twice now, that I have tried to seek other things before Jesus. Oddly enough, females entered into the equation both times. God knows he can use females to break me, and when I need to be broken, He does it. God is so good that he will begin the change in me when I am unwilling do to so myself. When He want's me to change, I'm changing, there's no two ways about it.
We must all continue to grow in Jesus, and never find ourselves in the same place for too long. No matter where you are, no matter who you're with, you must be constantly growing in Jesus.
We will all be held accountable for every idle word we speak. Therefore do not speak idleness, but speak for Jesus always. Never find that you are growing dependent on people to guide you, never allow people, no matter who they are, to stand between you and God's will. If the anointing of the Holy Spirit is in you, He will teach you. You have no need to be taught by others about Him. Though, taking wise counsel is wise. God gives us friends for a reason.
I have committed myself to the Lord. Therefore I must be constantly growing. If I find myself in one place for very long, I will grow complacent and comfortable and I will rot. I do not want what God has given me to rot inside me. I must continually grow in Jesus so that whatever His will is, I will do without hesitation.
I do not require a best friend. Not yet. God will give me a wife who will be my best friend. But it is imperative that I get to know Jesus first, before he can give me a best friend. And getting to know Jesus will take up enough of my time for me to be unable to to have any other best friend. I know now that I prayed in err. I asked Jesus for a best friend. But I already have one! I do not need to have another human like me to be my best friend, not until I am married. I need only wise counsel by those whom God has given me to be my friends.

If you are willing to accept it, this is true for everyone who has committed their life to Jesus.

I'm done feeling sorry for myself for not having someone to spend time with. Because I do have Someone. Someone Who knows me better than I do, He knows better than me how to live my life. Someone who has Done and will Do anything and everything for me. It is the least I can do to give Him all of my attention. I will allow Him, and He will continue His work in me. So should we all.

It might do well to meditate on what I have learned here, it may have pertinence to you as well.

Friday, January 21, 2005

*carries soap box to street corner, sets it down and stands atop it*

Okay. This's what I've got to say. If you know me, you know that I do not like phones. Now this is not news, but what might be news would be the fact that there is another method of communication that I have an almost equal dislike of. Now, keep in mind that I prefer face to face verbal communication to any other form.
This is my reasoning:
When you're talking to someone, verbally, face to face, you have a very good chance of really understanding the other person. Not only do you have the words they're speaking, but the manner in which they are spoken and also any non-verbal additions to the conversation ie. body language. Telephones are able to effectively communicate the first two, but they leave out body language, which in many cases is essential to effective communication.
Now. There is another form of communication that is indeed less effective than telephones. Not only do you lose body language, but you also lose how the words are being communicated. So essentially you have one third the effectiveness of a normal conversation. This other form of communication I'm talking about is the internet.
*insert droll, frustrated expression here*
One of the worst things about communicating over the internet is that there are some people who can only use that form of communication to speak to some other people. Sure, with the internet, you've got plenty of time to think about what you're going to say, but the other person can only read you, they can't listen to you or watch you.
The internet can be heaps of fun, and even with just being able to read what other people are saying, good things can still happen. I may not like it, but I have indeed learned almost as much from typing to people as I have speaking to them.
But I still don't like it. It's too easy. With the spoken word there is more risk involved and therefore it is more conducive to growth. So there is my reason, there ain't no rhyme, at least not unless you're actually talking to me...

*gets down off of soap box, picks it up and walks away from the street corner*

This has been an official protest made possible by the Dave Ramsey "Rules of Communication". No animals were harmed during this official protest. If you have any questions referring to the Dave Ramsey "Rules of Communication", please direct your inquiries to the author of this blog. Have a nice day!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Well guys, I'm back from Australia, but you already knew that huh... I'm registered for two classes at "Oakhurst Center". Trigonometry and General Philosophy. You may ask, "Hey, Dave, did't you say you wanted to get into writing? What do trig and philosophy have to do with that?" I'll tell you. "Way back in the day, before I grew up, I wanted to be a scientist. The reason I took trig was so that I could go on to take physics. Though, at the time, I was terribly distracted, yes, by a girl... no need to get into that now. My mind wasn't in school and I lost all motivation for it. So, I made an informed decision to take a break. I would retake the classes I didn't pass, later. And, well, now is later. And I think I have at least a small measure of motivation and determination to get it done. I have five classes I need to take again, and over this semester, summer semester, and if all else fails, fall semester, I will be working on clearing up my transcript so I can possibly transfer to a nearby university to get into writing."
My only hope in all of this is that it is God's plan for it to happen. But I'm committing this all to Him, and He will do what He wants with it.