Friday, March 10, 2006

Tennessee. I'm going to Tennessee. Of all the states in this country, Tennessee was not one of the ones I'd have figured I'd go to. But this afternoon/evening, I will be getting into my sister and brother in law's Ford Aerostar with my dad and we are going to drive from here(Oakhurst) to there(Clinton, Tennessee) in approximately four days. Bakersfield tonight, Flagstaff tomorrow, Oklahoma City Sunday, then we head to Nashville Tennessee on Monday where we will be meeting my sister and brother in law and on Tuesday we'll then travel to Clinton which is where they're moving. Then we(my dad and I) are going to be staying in or around Clinton from Tuesday to Thursday night, then we're flying back from Nashville to Washington DC to Los Angeles and I'll never know why a longer flight is cheaper... a full 8 hours stuck inside a flying aluminum bottle. Don't get me wrong, I love flying, when I'm actually at the controls... I can't think of any worse torture than to be stuck inside a pressurized flying bottle with just an 8 inch window to look out of. Honestly, given the choice between an airline flight and driving back, I'd drive. It's longer, sure, but you see more scenery the closer you are to it. We could rent a four wheel drive and drive through he mountains, maybe up through Montana, that'd be awesome. Then back down through Washington and Oregon, I'd like that a lot. I saw a documentary on the Channeled Scablands in eastern Washington, and ever since then I've wanted to go check it out. Some day I will. But our tickets are already bought...and I'm not the one planning this trip...unfortunately. This will be my first cross country road trip though, and I've always wanted to drive through the Southwest, so I suppose I'll just have to deal with the flight back, maybe I'll read a book...

Of course, ariline flights aren't all bad, sometimes there's turbulence and things get a little exciting. I've seen a cup of water hit the ceiling of the cabin and splash all over the place. That was pretty funny. Takeoffs and landings are pretty good too. There's nothing like the feeling of being accelerated to two hundred miles per hour from a dead stop in less than a quarter mile. And it's fun to gauge the skill of the pilot on landings, that's the toughest part.

But alas, the Channeled Scablands and Montana will have to wait until another day.

I'm missing Church and Bible Study next week because of this trip. But I'm bringing my Bible and notebook so it won't be a total loss.

I'll be back in almost exactly one week from right now. The house is going to feel very empty with them gone. And they're taking their xbox with them... I am sad they're going, I'm gonna miss hanging out with Mark, my brother in law. And I'll miss my sister and nephew. But this is best for everybody, I know. Belive me, I know.

And so I'm going, I'll be gone for a week, then I'm coming back. There you have it.