Thursday, December 22, 2005

They were stealing my peace! They didn't know it of course, but they were doing it just the same. I forgave them as always, and I took my peace right back. Even though they're my friends, my brothers, if I have peace about something I'm not gonna let them take it even if they want me to spill my guts. Especially if they want me to spill my guts. I was perfectly fine until they wanted me to spill my guts to them. I had peace. Not a single worry, and I still don't, because this is a God given peace and it's not just gonna go away. It's staying. And I don't need to spill my guts to them every time they see me thinking about something.

Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who has any inkling about what's really going on. It may not be true, but sometimes it feels like it.

The real question is who can I share this peace with. I'd like to share it with a few people, but I don't know if they're ready to listen just yet. It's sometimes hard to bring up a subject like this, in a serious context with certain friends of mine. On the other hand, it's possible to share it with maybe one or two people who would, perhaps, understand. But it's a delicate situation.

Until then, I'll keep it between me and Jesus.

"Let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]." Colossians 3:15

God is good. All the time. There aint nobody better!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is a problem, talk TO your friends, not about them.

11:38 AM  
Blogger D Jack said...

There is no more problem. Not as far as I'm concerned. And to my knowledge they didn't know. So the issue is closed.

Anyways, my friends sometimes read this blog, so in a way I am talking to them. If they've read this, they'll know that there was a problem, but it's done and overwith.

I'm not harboring any ill feelings toward them. Not in the least.

I appreciate your concern though, anonymous.

I don't see those guys often enough to really talk to them anyway. You can't really have a deep in depth conversation inside Zanders unless you're alone(whih is rare)'s a very small, very popular place.

Trust me, anonymous, if there was a REAL problem between me and my friends, I wouldn't be posting about it on my blog, I would be talking TO them. This was a rather small thing compared to other things in the past. I wouldn't say insignificant, but small enough to be my own problem to the degree that I was able to deal with it myself. Well, with a good deal of help from Jesus, of course. I'd rather be closer to Him anyway, no offense to my friends...

Thanks again anonymous, comments like that help me to organize my thoughts. And I enjoy explaining things. Apparently.

12:09 PM  

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