Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I feel like I should say something intelligent.
Humph. I had it all worked out. Then I had to go and ask for advice... I guess I'll spend a couple days praying about it. See what Jesus tells me, b'fore I try to get to know her. Patience.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Sheesh, what is it with me and girls lately?!
Whelp, I think life's a bit more interesting than it has been in the past, quite a turnaround huh... All these things going on, with the possible ministry up here at camp, and also, doing something that really makes me wonder about some things I've believed of myself in the past. Inviting a girl to hang out with me, so I can get to know her and invite her to our Bible study. She's in my Trig class and we've been aquaintances forever, we say hi to eachother, but not much else. Hey, Steph, sound familiar?
Anyway, figuring that the last time this happened with a girl I became awesome friends with her eventually, why not try it again? I mean, I have precious few female friends, I could stand to have another. Of course, there is a limit to my assertiveness, being the shy guy I am, and having it difficult for me to effectively communicate whilst in a large group(that'll change someday), I wrote her a note with my phone number on it. I plan to give it to her the next time I see her, which will be tomorrow.
So pray that she won't see it as some kind of come-on, though, I might be interested in her, and if that look I got last time meant anything, she might be interested in me, but at the moment, I just want to be friends, to get to know her, and invite her to Bible study.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Yeah. That girl I told you about the tall, pretty one with short dark brown hair, yeah, she's a twin. And believe me, that can get stinking confusing right there. Not like it really matters terribly, InterVarsity left today... I laughed at myself. Twins, the one girl I noticed out of the whole group and she was a twin... I was all like "Was it her who smiled at me or her..." It got pretty confusing... They didn't look exactly alike, I could tell a difference, but I just wasn't sure which one it was...

But like I said, it doesn't really matter, they're both gone.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

My goodness! I almost forgot to say something about the beautiful weather we had today! It snowed! And it's stinking cold! I shoveled snow today! I love shoveling snow! It's like one of my favorite things to do!

InterVarsity is up here this week. There's a girl I want to say hi to. She's tall and pretty with short dark brown hair. I don't know if I'll get a chance to say hi or not, it's okay if I don't. No biggie. She is pretty though. And she did smile at me more than once...

Oh Dave, get over yourself...
Perhaps I am not so bored as I think... Some things you just need to get past before you realize the Truth of the matter...

Yeah, I've had more exciting times in my past, but that doesn't mean I'm in a rut. The world hasn't seen the last of Dave Ramsey just because I'm bored...

You know what's crazy. I opened a door for a girl tonight at church, without even thinking, never even saw her before...weird. That's generally not something I do on a whim...not to say there's anything 'special' about that particular girl, I simply wasn't thinking. If I'd thought about it, I most likely would have waited until she went through the door before I even approached the door. But For some off reason I walked up to the door right beside her and opened it for her. Maybe I'm turning into one of 'those guys' who open doors for girls... That's actually kinda scary if you think about it. I mean, if I actually used my charm...no, that's too crazy to think about. I'm a gruff and scruffy mountain man. What use have I got for charm?


Saturday, March 19, 2005

Who am I kidding. That's not why I'm bored. I'm over her for the most part. Though it seems to be worst on Saturdays...

I am bored. But this particular boredom is only about three weeks old. How would you like it if you couldn't talk to your best friend anymore? Huh?

Goodness, still naive...

I'm stinking bored and all I can do about it is post on my blog.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

I am dead away bored out of my mind. At least I know what my problem is. I believe I shall tell a story.

There was a time, a little over a year in length, where I found myself comfortably stimulated mentally. In other words, I wasn't bored to death. Quite the opposite was true. I was actually excited time and again, that doesn't happen to me often. The source of this excitement (no kidding) was a girl. To preserve her privacy, we shall refer to her as "Ricochet" Now, Ricochet was no ordinary young woman. I owe much of what my Spiritual life is now to God working through her. She was/is an amazing young woman. If it had been possible I'd have seriously considered her to be a potential girlfriend. I don't say that lightly. I've never had a girlfriend and it takes a lot for me to be really attracted to a girl. But she definitely had it all. She was a true Jesus follower, she was probably smarter than me, she was a writer(an extremely skilled one at that), and to top it all off, she was as much of a Star Wars fan as I am.

The only problem was that we never actually met. I met her on the StarWars.com message boards. Right away, I could tell she was something special. Even without actually seeing her. I think she noticed something about me too because she ended up putting me into a story she was writing. She gave the excuse that I had a cool Star Wars name, but I think there was something else there. It took her about a year to write the story, and I assisted her with it over email. Those were exciting times. Some of the most fun I've ever had was emailing her about her story and seeing how it panned out. She was an awesome writer. The story was eventually finished, and it was a true masterpiece. I'll still never delete it from my computer.

But you know what they say about "all good things". I had known that it was God's will that we cut off communication for almost six months before it happened. I had learned what I had needed to learn from her. But still I hoped, foolishly, that we might meet in person. But it was not to be. We parted, both knowing that it had been the right thing to do.

But still, I don't think I'm completely over her. Every so often I think about how good it was and imagine how completely awesome it would be to just sit down with her in a corner booth somewhere and talk our heads off about Jesus and Star Wars. I would be happy with that.
I told her that I hoped we'd get to meet in Heaven. But I still wish that we might someday be able to meet down here.
So yeah, without people like Ricochet in my life, I'm dead away bored out of my mind.

But God is still good. All the time. There aint nobody better!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Well, I'm up at Calvin Crest now. The people here are kinda fun. They were concerned about scaring me during our meeting last Sunday night. They might find out that behind my calm, stoic exterior, I can be just as weird as them. Not to say that they're 'weird', due to the negative connotations of the word, but they're camp people, and being camp people entitles them to a few eccentricities. I don't hold it against them. So yeah, I'm having fun here.
I still need to talk more though. I would like to get to know these people better, and that entails speaking. So pray that I find my voice to say what I need to.

Well, that's all for now, there'll be more later, count on it.

God is good, all the time, there ain't nobody better!