Sunday, August 20, 2006

Wow. It has been a very long time since I last posted here. I guess it's time for an update.

I am still working at Tenaya lodge, it's a job, I like it, but I hate it too. The work is good, the people aren't too bad, and the pay is good, but the hours are the worst of any job I've ever had. I have a good week when I work two days, most of the time I'm not working at all, which isn't very different from before I had the job. So I'm looking for something full time. But I'll stay at Tenaya until I do find something else.

It's been a full third of a year since my last post.
I have a new car, a 1971 Dodge Dart. It's a great car. I'm in the process of writing a novel and a devotional, I figure if God gave me a skill to write, I'll use it to glorify Him. Still single, still living at home. Still haven't lost any weight. Still haven't made anywhere close to enough to get into flight school. But I'm still working, that's all I can do.

I feel like I need to break away. From what, I don't know. But there's some kind of freedom out there I haven't had before, or maybe I had it once, a long time ago, I can't explain it, but I need it. I guess it's time for something new. Haven't got a clue what.

Keep me in your prayers, I need it.

God is good, there ain't nobody better!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sorry. It's been a while since my last post here. I came back from Tennessee. It was a good trip. I should travel more. Oakhurst is a wonderful place, but it is nice to get away sometimes.

I got a job working at Tenaya. The one place I said I'd never work at. I'm a Houseman slash a/v tech, so I set things up for conferences and dinners and things. So far it's a good job. Pays well.
All the other guys there are thin as rakes, I feel a little out of place sometimes, but I'm trying my best to do what I need to do. It may take a while to get in the groove, but I'll get there. Before summer hopefully. I hear it gets really busy in the summer.

Well, that's what's been going on.

I'm praying about getting a real discussion group going with some friends. There are some minds that I want to get together to get some good discussion about the Bible. I hope I can get everybody I want.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Tennessee. I'm going to Tennessee. Of all the states in this country, Tennessee was not one of the ones I'd have figured I'd go to. But this afternoon/evening, I will be getting into my sister and brother in law's Ford Aerostar with my dad and we are going to drive from here(Oakhurst) to there(Clinton, Tennessee) in approximately four days. Bakersfield tonight, Flagstaff tomorrow, Oklahoma City Sunday, then we head to Nashville Tennessee on Monday where we will be meeting my sister and brother in law and on Tuesday we'll then travel to Clinton which is where they're moving. Then we(my dad and I) are going to be staying in or around Clinton from Tuesday to Thursday night, then we're flying back from Nashville to Washington DC to Los Angeles and I'll never know why a longer flight is cheaper... a full 8 hours stuck inside a flying aluminum bottle. Don't get me wrong, I love flying, when I'm actually at the controls... I can't think of any worse torture than to be stuck inside a pressurized flying bottle with just an 8 inch window to look out of. Honestly, given the choice between an airline flight and driving back, I'd drive. It's longer, sure, but you see more scenery the closer you are to it. We could rent a four wheel drive and drive through he mountains, maybe up through Montana, that'd be awesome. Then back down through Washington and Oregon, I'd like that a lot. I saw a documentary on the Channeled Scablands in eastern Washington, and ever since then I've wanted to go check it out. Some day I will. But our tickets are already bought...and I'm not the one planning this trip...unfortunately. This will be my first cross country road trip though, and I've always wanted to drive through the Southwest, so I suppose I'll just have to deal with the flight back, maybe I'll read a book...

Of course, ariline flights aren't all bad, sometimes there's turbulence and things get a little exciting. I've seen a cup of water hit the ceiling of the cabin and splash all over the place. That was pretty funny. Takeoffs and landings are pretty good too. There's nothing like the feeling of being accelerated to two hundred miles per hour from a dead stop in less than a quarter mile. And it's fun to gauge the skill of the pilot on landings, that's the toughest part.

But alas, the Channeled Scablands and Montana will have to wait until another day.

I'm missing Church and Bible Study next week because of this trip. But I'm bringing my Bible and notebook so it won't be a total loss.

I'll be back in almost exactly one week from right now. The house is going to feel very empty with them gone. And they're taking their xbox with them... I am sad they're going, I'm gonna miss hanging out with Mark, my brother in law. And I'll miss my sister and nephew. But this is best for everybody, I know. Belive me, I know.

And so I'm going, I'll be gone for a week, then I'm coming back. There you have it.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Rap Concerts are interesting things. I've been to two now. DC Talk way back when they were still together. And last night down in Sanger. I went to see T Bone with my friends. I don't really listen to a lot of rap, but T Bone's lyrics are really good. T Bone is kind of a Gospel Rapper. It was very loud and I'm actually surprised that my ear drums aren't damaged. But I enjoyed it.

On the ride down there, I had my hand out the window shaping it into a wing and creating lift. When we stopped or slowed down, there was no lift of course, so my hand wouldn't fly.

So we're all wings. When we're moving, we can fly, when we're stopped we fall. It is imperative that we continue moving in our walk with God. If we stop or slow down at any time, we can fall. Now, I don't know what you think, but when planes fall out of the sky, it's a bad thing. So don't stop, and don't slow down, keep going. Keep flying, don't stall out. The Engine we've got never fails and never sputters so stick with it and you'll fly higher than you ever thought you could.

God is good, there ain't nobody better!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Dack seems to be coming along nicely. For those of you who do not know about Dack, Dack is the combination of Dave and Jack. "Jack" is something of a joke among my friends. A couple years ago I went camping with two friends of mine and in the time we spent up in the mountains, my friends discovered that I am very um...interesting. This was the personality that I generally hide in public, the real me, essentially. At the time, I came up with the name "Jack" for my more exciting personality that I usually hide. It's three parts Han Solo, two parts Indiana Jones, with a bit of Jack Sparrow thrown in for flavor all in a Dave-shaped container. Now, this third part, "Jack Sparrow", came about after the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, but I did come up with the name "Jack" long before that movie.
And so, recently, I've been getting tired of being boring old Dave, the aloof, quiet, patient shell I keep "Jack" hidden in. So, I'm going through the process of bringing out more of "Jack", though I don't want to lose the virtuous "Dave", I have decided to attempt a merging of the two.

All this is a fancy way of saying that I'm gonna try to be more outgoing. I could have said just that, but I wanted to give the history of the thing. I figure most of the people who read this blog care about me, so they should know what's going on.

On Saturday I think I did well with this. I went down to Fresno to Mazzei flying service to ask about flight school, and I think I came across fairly well.

God is good. All the time. There aint nobody better!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Streamlined. Functional. Efficient. That's what I like about airplanes. The whole structure is devoted to keeping itself in the air. The wings providing lift, the tail keeping it straight, the engine pulling it through the air. All the different parts working together to get you from point A to point B.
I'll take a pretty little taildragger over a 747 any day. Aviat, Cessna, Piper, even an old Staggerwing would be nice.

I wish I could fly. I wish I had the money to pay for flight school.

"I want to fly, into the sky
And turn my back on this old world,
And leave it all behind..."

-Shawn McDonald, Simply Nothing, Gravity.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

God is good.

That's all I have to say.