Friday, September 30, 2005

Worship is good. I enjoy worship. It's good for you. You know, it's basically what these bodies of ours were made for, glorifying God. I don't think there's anything better than doing exactly what you were made for. Really, truly. Nothing better than that.

You know, I was looking at a list of Christian denominations and you know what I saw? Hundreds of different churches. I want to know, WHY??? I want to know why people tear apart the Bible and believe pieces and parts of it. Why don't they take the whole thing, read it, believe it, and have that settle it? Why? This I do not understand. It is His Word! The only Truth on this planet! God is too big for us to understand, so why do we try? He will tell us what He wants us to know, what we need to know, if we listen patiently with nothing of ourselves getting in the way.

God is good. All the time. There ain't nobody better!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I left my watch at the church. It was a good wedding though. But I left my watch at the church. The tux wasn't actually as bad as I was thinking, still, it was a tux... and I left my watch at the church. It was actually a cool tux, I just didn't like wearing it, I couldn't wear my watch with the tight shirt sleeves. So I left my watch at the church.

But it was a good wedding, and the tux wasn't as bad as I was thinking, it was actually pretty cool, but it was a tux, and I didn't like wearing it.

But I left my watch at the church. My wrist is naked, it's got that tanline that comes from always wearing a watch. I miss my watch.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Well. My friend is getting married today. Which is cool. Only drawback is that I've got to wear a tux. I hope he appreciates what I do for him. I'm happy he's getting married though. It's a good thing.

I hope I find a girl who doesn't want a big production wedding. Simple works best for me. But that's just me... Most of my friends want all the trumpets and fanfare you can get. Not literally of course, I'm not even sure if they know the meaning of the word fanfare. That's what I get for being the most eloquent of the bunch... *sigh*

So yeah, if you're out there, oh future wife of mine, just remember, keep it simple. Okay?

That's all for now.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Okay, time for a new blog post.

Stuff's been happening lately. Nothin' too big, unemployed yet again...

I'm starting to think that I should get myself into a real job. Possibly auto mechanics. We'll see.

Got a couple new shirts. Long sleeved. Crazy huh. Have to roll them up to keep my style... They look okay though.

I've decided that I shouldn't watch movies that have that chick flicky love junk. Just makes me want to have a girlfriend. Just saw "You've got mail". I thought it was funny, considering a certain awkward position I found myself in recently. Suffice it to say there were a few parallels. Nothing like a good P.I.C. to brighten your day. Stands for 'Potentially Interesting Complication' in regards to females and myself. We don't mix real well unless there's no way that there could be any kind of romance. Female friends are good. Anything else is awkward, at least as far as my experience goes.

There you have it. I would like to have a girlfriend someday. But not until awkwardness takes a hike.

God is good. All the time. There aint nobody better.